Maths for Data Science is an essential pillar of the data-driven industry. Whether you want to analyze complex datasets, ...
From spoiled meat to seaweed and secure software – a wide range of University of Otago research projects have secured $8 ...
Nestled in verdant greenery, the innovation hub’s like-minded community, customisable workspaces and proximity to key ...
On first glance, one might be forgiven for wondering how the Los Angeles County Museum of Art's new exhibition, "We Live in ...
The heightened demand from tech startups is mirrored at Cyberport — another key player in the city's digital technology ...
The national, bipartisan Tech Hubs program could have been a campaign winner. Instead, it’s underfunded and barely present on ...
The Ig Nobel Prize, known for celebrating quirky and humorous scientific achievements, recently honored a groundbreaking ...
The Gondwana supercontinent broke up millions of years ago. Now, researchers are piecing it back together again.
It’s undeniable, though, that much has stayed the same. A high-energy physics lab still needs to be fast, cool, collaborative ...
Early-career researchers tell the Courier what they think is the key strategic issue for the future of high-energy physics.
It was modelled after DARPA, the hugely successful US tech funder. Can Britain’s Advanced Research and Invention Agency — ...